Time is a universal unit used to measure seconds, minutes, days, months, etc. but is personally interpreted. Time can be perceived as fast or slow and some of us believe we have more time than others. With my work, I approach time with a slow attitude where I spend more time with less people and activities rather than trying to squeeze in as many activities as possible in a short amount of time. In a fast paced society, slow is often seen as unproductive or lazy, but I believe slowness allows us to fully enjoy life’s most precious and intimate moments. Currently, I am most interested in my relationships with the people in my life whom I do not spend enough time with.
I choose to slow down and be still through pinhole photography. The process naturally lends itself to slowing down due to the primitive materials, which consist of a light-tight container, a negative, and a hole poked through the container. Pinhole negatives do not expose as quickly as typical photographs do because of the size of the hole the light passes through. By using this slow process when photographing others, I am allowed to spend more time with them creating an intimate, shared memory between us. I have been focusing on the quality time I spend with those who have greatest influence on me as a person and, therefore, as an artist. I believe many people, including myself, do not spend enough physical time with one another, and time spent with another person is something we are seeing less and less. Pinhole photography allows me to record my time spent with others over minutes or hours and displays this time in a single frame. It is important that I am able to freeze and capture these moments that can then be seen forever.